Who is more attractive?

Friday, 6 August 2010

"You'll never catch me wearing the same dress twice" said Miss Unrealistic

How bad is it to wear the same dress at two different weddings? I ask this because due to lack of choice, time and spare cash, tomorrow’s event in Brighton will have me wearing the Karen Millen frock again.

Defence number one: different weddings, different guests and polar opposite locations. Despite the adage of six degrees of separation, I am willing to bet that I will not bump into someone at Nat’s wedding who also attended Lu and Rob’s do up in Darlington.

Defence number two: beautiful dresses that costs half a week’s wages must be worn more than once to justify the expensive, heart-wrenching, all consuming guilty purchase.

Defence number three: Tis sale season in the high street. Up to 70% off – woo hoo! Here’s comes the reality: anything that is reduced is almost always the naff items that some people buy just because it’s cheap when the one thing we really want is full price. (Yes, my Karen Millen piece is the (only) exception to the rule.) The dresses I have come across are all either too bling, low cut, cheap material or just too small.

Defence number four: some who cheat on their partners/ spouses use the argument of different postal codes equals the right to sleep around. OK this is a ridiculous justification!

Essentially what I am trying to get across is many factors mean that I have to be wearing the same dress twice.

Men have it easy. So easy. A properly fitted suit can make ANY man look good. Think Daniel Craig as 007 – even when he’s covered in blood punching some villain out or walking through the desert in dusty, torn, tailored Armani, every man still wants to be him and every woman are lying if they did not want him.

Actually in the office today is some silver fox PR man called Toby (I think – in this case specific details are irrelevant). Every time he walks across the room, I kid you not, all of us women have our eyes on him. Think back to that old Diet Coke 11.30am advert where instead of hunky topless window cleaner, there’s Silver Fox PR man in a suit, tie loose, top button undone complete with magnetic charm and sex appeal that makes all the ladies literally stop and stare. For me the added bonus is when he’s reading the Financial Times as he passes my desk towards the drinks machine that makes me do the head to the side thing (the signal I give when I find someone really attractive) because to me this shows he’s intelligent. To be honest he could be reading Heat and the head will still be at a 45 degree angle.

Anyways moving back to point, in conclusion, for us women finding the dress to wear to any formal event is difficult. Men on the other hand have it much easier – suit, shirt and tie. The first two can be worn again and again and no one would bat an eyelid. A beautiful dress can be ruined by ridiculous accessories, painful blister-inducing shoes, overly done make up and horrific hairstyles that screams you’ve gone just too far love.

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