Who is more attractive?

Tuesday 26 October 2010

Grand Canyon: doesn't get any bigger or beautiful than this

I experienced True Love on October 2 2010, a day where the temperature peaked at 36 degrees Celsius and I got to sit on the edge of one of the greatest natural wonders of the world: the Grand Canyon.

Though I was amongst hundreds of visitors all ooh-ing and aah-ing over the many shades and layers of orange, yellow, brown rock I experienced something that I have not felt for a long time: pure silence and total appreciation of just being in the moment. How on earth did I get to be this lucky? That day all I did was watch in awe, sit for what felt like hours watching the sun go down and laugh at my damn good fortune.

Just when I thought the view could not get any better, I stepped onto the Skywalk. This is a semi-circular steel extension that sticks out from a huge boulder complete with a glass floor. So it feels like you’re walking on air. Word of advice: anyone with even a remote fear of heights, DO NOT LOOK DOWN. I caused a minor panic when I sat on the metal railing. One of the photographers quickly told me to get off as there was a slight chance I could split the plastic partition. Yes, I neither wanted to be there when it happens or be held responsible!

I met some lovely people on this visit, particularly Shardae and Simone from New Zealand. These ladies are awesome, fearless, adventurous and incredibly beautiful – both on the inside and out. If it weren’t for them I would not have turned up at the MGM Wet Republic pool party the next day.

Shardae and Simone caught the eyes of three middle aged Chinese men who wore suits to the Canyon. Yours truly acted as their translator and photographer. Shardae and Simone made their when they agreed to have their picture taken with them. At Guamo Point, where you get a 270 degree panoramic view of the Canyon, I bumped into the Chinese Trio again who insisted that I meet up with them at the Bellagio for a night of gambling. Now I have previously mentioned that one of my win-quick-at-Vegas schemes is to find and tag onto a table with Asian men and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t tempted by their offer. But when the moment came, I chickened out. After all, I’m alone and without knowing their full intentions, it is simply asking for trouble.

Another girl I met on the Canyon was Sophie from Australia. She was on her own after her family was struck with food poisoning the night before. She’s another great girl who I hope to meet up if and when I eventually get to Australia.

For me, like South Africa and Robben Island, no visit to Las Vegas would be complete without a trip to the Grand Canyon. Back in my uni days I used to joke that I would like my ashes to be scattered here. Having finally been there, done that and got the certificate, maybe it’s time to stop joking.

So not only did I get to witness and fall in love with the ultimate form of natural beauty, I met great people, with whom I hope to stay in contact for a long time. Funnily enough, three years ago, a palm reader in Johannesburg said that my spirit sees True Love in life’s natural things. Sitting on the edge of the West Rim, standing thousands of feet above the Colorado River on a glass bottom as well as on top of the hill at Guamo Point, proved this is more ways than one.

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