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Wednesday 27 October 2010

The MOH speech to end all MOH speech

I'm not even going to be modest about it: my maid of honour kicked some wedding tushie!

I had so much fun doing it and it's a shame there's no video footage because it would be something I would show everyone and their grandmother if I could.

When I stood up it shocked the parents anyway because traditionally it's only the men who spoke. But in my world, the maid of honour gets the last word. Now I don't remember it verbatim but I started off thanking both families for allowing me to be a part of their day. I was the only friend at this wedding. Everyone is blood related. Of course I felt special.

Then I sang Chris's praises. I tried to embarrass him but Chris Dabek is a nice guy. The only thing I could come up with to marginally wind him up is the time he rapped Gettin' Jiggy With It by Will Smith on karaoke. My favourite bit in this part of the speech was reciting the following quote from The Notebook: "I'm a common man, with common thoughts having led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and soon my name will be forgotten. But I have loved another with all my heart and for me that has always been enough." This not only exemplifies the way Chris feels about Faye but the film that means a lot to her. (This quote is quite possibly my favourite romantic line from any film.)

For Faye I actually created a 32 page scroll with 60 memorable moments from our friendship. Taking a trip down memory lane has been so much fun and it's a testament to our bond that we have never fallen out nor had any tiffs. Obviously in the name of Soli-Faye&Debs-darity I didn't read any of it out loud (plus lest not forget that the Mojave Desert is big and anything can be made to look like an accident!) 

The speech ended with me thanking the couple for making me look forward to falling in love. This line is all me. Yes it's mushy but knowing Faye and Chris is knowing unconditional love.

The speech made the mums cry, people laughed and I'm sure some tables nearby were eavesdropping.

I was on fire!

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