Who is more attractive?

Wednesday 29 September 2010

All about the improv

My maid of honour speech is coming along nicely, a big surprise considering my severe case of writer’s block a month ago.

Rather than write it out fully, pondering over the use of particular words and then forcing myself to remember it all, I have decided to improvise. Being on the spot strangely enough makes me less likely to stammer or freeze up. I allow the words to flow out. Then it again it should come as no shock to anyone that talking is not a weakness of mine.

Even though there isn’t a full script, I do have the basic order of what I will be saying. Hopefully people will laugh at least once! I’m also putting together a gadget, an idea stolen from Andy Spearman’s scroll at the Heyward wedding (number 3), that I’m sure will worry Faye but rest assured, Mrs Dabek, anything shameful remains between us two until the end of time!

In putting together this gadget, I thought back to the many memories of Faye and I, along with Noolz, Parv and Jo. I would list them all here on this blog but, as I said, many things must stay a secret. I’ve even dug out the infamous scrapbook I put together containing our colourful moments ranging from karaoke to questionable dealings at Bargain Beers.

Taking this trip down memory lane has made me realise just how far Faye and I have come from those early days of being a Fresher in Sheffield. Who would have thought that come next week, six hours after we first met, that we will be on the Las Vegas Strip, having drinks at the Bellagio and getting ready for her wedding? Most definitely not me.

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