Who is more attractive?

Friday 3 September 2010

Grieving son and one Jilted Groom

Deep inside me must be some frustrated guardian waiting to come out and save people. I always seem to find/ attract guys who are down in the dumps and make it my mission to cheer them up.

Of all the guys, in all the bars in Amsterdam I find and connect in the vaguest of senses two men – one grieving, one heartbroken.

Opening with case number one: After taking Nicky back to the hotel who surrendered to the strong powers of her joint, I returned to the bar and there I met an American guy called Matt/ Mike/ Rob/ (or Peter/ Tom/ Dick/ Harry). Whilst the other girls were talking to a Canadian and other lively groups, I see this guy on his lonesome with a pint. We get talking, he tells me he’s from Boston and I get all excited and say I’m off to Las Vegas next month. We then laugh about the stereotype that Americans only travel around their own country. So far, Matt/ Mike/ Rob seems alright. Not lechy, not weird, doesn’t look like a stalker. OK so a bit quiet. We continue chatting and then I ask him how long has he been in Amsterdam. “A few days.” Oh, so where are the best places to go? Recommend any bars or clubs? “Actually it’s my first night out.” What? How is this your first night out? What've you been doing? “I spread my father’s ashes last night. He’s always wanted to see Europe.” So that explains him being quiet.

Oh dear. Cue awkward silence. I could actually feel the disapproving glare burning into me from my rational, karma-believing self who always warns me to control the cleverness when meeting new people. From what I can remember Matt/ Mike/ Rob didn’t seem too offended and he even said seeing us lot made him laugh. Well that’s a given thanks to the fishnets, tutus and wigs!

Knowing me I would have actually sat down next to Matt/ Mike/ Rob and let him talk, talk, talk – well if he wanted to that is. Fortunately for him, I had to leave to continue being crazy with the Team Keane hens. At least I made a grieving man smile.

Case number 2: remember the Jilted Groom? Well here is the full story. In some random bar we found this group of guys who surprisingly were a bit subdued let’s say, despite being on a lads holiday. The Jilted Groom broke off his engagement two weeks before (so that explains the lack of excitement) but he went ahead with his stag weekend anyway because it was all booked. Besides what better way to get over heartbreak than with your friends on holiday? By the end of the night I got Jilted Groom dancing stupidly to cheesy pop and laughing hysterically at my mistakenly thinking the big man behind me was a wall thus leaning into it/him and consequently pressing him into the girl he was trying to chat up. Oh and the crucial point is I kissed him. It was short and sweet but very memorable. As Faye summed it up, “Debs you brought him back to life.” Maybe I did.

Even if it could not be further from the truth, I like to think I made an impact on someone that night. Maybe that’s my mission in life – to cheer people up.

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